Essential to our journey of understanding the Universe and ourselves, it is important to read what others have to say.
I have read, many many books on these subjects, and the very best ones, I recommend below.
Imagine a highly advanced being, no longer living in our physical dimension, coming back, and telling us all about the true nature of reality. Thats exactly what Seth is, and does. Absolutely fascinating material. Worthy of lifelong study. Certainly my Bible. When you read it, it quickly becomes apparent that the personality behind the material is extremely knowledgable and advanced. So advanced is this material that the University of Yale holds all the channeled material from Jane Roberts, the lady whom Seth channelled the material. Why would a university take possession of the material if it was your usual spiritual mumbo jumbo?
The Seth books below are ESSENTIAL reading.
The Seth Material
Seth Speaks
Full Audio Book – Seth Speaks
The Nature of Personal Reality
The Unknown Reality Volumes I & II
Another great teacher is Elias, similar to Seth but delivered in an entirely different and unique way.
An Excellent must read book.
Elias – The Shift – A Time of Change